Initial Research Pathway

                                                                               Figure 1

                  Adapted from "WHAT IS FDM 3D PRINTING", HLHRAPID.COM Retrieved September 16, 2024 
  1. We split the research between me and Caleb, I handled the features whereas Caleb dealt with the functions.
  2. I prompted ChatGPT to give us a list of features and functions for Fused Deposition Modeling: "generate a list of features of FDM 3D printing with sources.
  3. I went through the sources generated by ChatGPT to evaluate if it can explain the features of FDM 3D printing technology.
  4. Once I identified the part of the source that I needed, I prompted ChatGPT to paraphrase the evidence. Ie: paraphrase: 
  5. On top of the paraphrase by ChatGPT, I further paraphrased and rephrased the information to better suit the idea I wanted to bring out.
  6. For the thesis, I listed down the points of comparison with SLA technology and asked ChatGPT to generate a thesis statement with the prompt: "Generate a few thesis statements using the following points for FDM 3D printing technology"
  7. I then incorporated the generated thesis of ChatGPT with past students' work from the blog to phrase and bring across my thesis statement
  8. Using the information provided by ChatGPT, Caleb researched on the Google Search Engine to find relevant sources from reports and websites to describe the functions of FDM.
  9. Started using boolean operators to assist in my search for more relevant articles for my thesis argument.
  10. I used chat GPT to help me generate different perspectives on my thesis argument so that I could better understand my argument.
Edited: 3rd Oct 2024


Makerbot. (n.d.). Choosing the Right 3D Printer: FDM vs SLA.


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